Content Hound enforces for 75+ major media distributors and hundreds more individual subsidiary rights holders.
Customer references can be provided on request.
Content Hound's 360 Demand data can help you understand why customers are leaving the theater and digital subscriptions for piracy. Track the impact of your programs and shift in the markets over time. Use 360 Supply to recommend high profile targets and platforms to your trade association for legal action. Use 360 Enforce to evaluate the impact of your own individual program in order to allocate budget.
Video Games
360 Supply can help you identify the digital footprint of websites selling unauthorized digital goods and platform circumvention products. 360 Demand can help you understand the consumer choices that lead to piracy and influence them through business strategy.
Content Hound's 360 Demand subscription can help you understand what content your subscription is missing and what tradeoffs push consumers to illegal sites. Use 360 Supply to understand how the inventory of illegal sites tracks to your own catalogue. Use 360 Enforce to evaluate the impact of your own individual program in order to allocate budget.
Content Hound can help sports coalitions identify high level enforcement motions that will disrupt operations more than challenging takedown operations. Our 360 Demand solution can help you understand the target market and marketing tactics of illegal sports broadcast sites.
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Content Hound, LLC
5608 17th Avenue NW, Suite 1409
Seattle, WA 98107
Ph: (415) 579-0058
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